Slides used in the presentation at the 2º Semináio Anual de Servidores – SAS in April, 18th 2013. Bento Gonçalves, RS.
Archive of ‘Events’ category
Scientia Tec Journal – CFP
The Scientia Tec Journal published a call for papers that is open until May 12, 2012. The Scientia Tec is a semi-annual journal published by the Porto Alegre Câmpus of IFRS, in electronic format and accepts original contributions in several fields. Submissions of articles, research reports, dissertations and theses are appreciated. The journal aims to present research and studies concerning technical, technological and graduate-level courses focusing on the multicultural aspects of Brazilian education, science and technology.
1st Computing Academic Week
Sorry, this entry is only available in Português.
12th Mostratec
The 12ª Mostratec – is an annual event which aims at contributing for the dissemination of the knowledge produced by teaching, research and extension dimensions, in the context of the Federal Institutes in Brazil. See more information on Mostratec website.