Software Development I – basic concepts
This book intends to offer the subsides for students and enthusiasts interested in starting with computers and programing, including the notions of algorithms for manipulating data structures with examples in C programming Language. This book is a partnership of Groupo A Editors with IFRS (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul). Authors: Fabio Yoshimitsu Okuyama; Evandro Manara Miletto; Mariano Nicolao Editor: Bookman Language: Portuguese Buy this book
Software Development II – introduction to Web development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
This book presents the minimal requirements and steps for starting develop a simple Web system, including conception, analysis, DB schema, user interfaces, required languages, among others. The 10 disciplinary chapters are organized in a sequence which usually is used to for a Web system development. A simple case study is presented, which goes from all these steps up to a possible functional prototype. This book is a partnership of Groupo A Editors with IFRS (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul). Authors: Evandro Manara Miletto; Sílvia de Castro Bertagnolli Editor: Bookman Language: Portuguese >> Buy this book